Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Plan

The plan: to make a game (design, code, art, audio) in the Unity engine completely by myself.  I'll be learning three involved skills in order to accomplish this:
  • Pixel Art (creation and animation)
  • JavaScript
  • Unity Engine development
For audio I will likely use existing tracks from the web or contract the audio work out once everything else is 100% complete.

The game I have decided to make what I am calling an Ended Runner.  Inspired by endless runners, this is a game where your character is forced to run while avoiding obstacles for as long as possible.  In this case, rather than having an infinite world there will actually be an end for each character to strive to reach.

Here's the design highlights:
  • 2D Sprite character and world.
  • Runs from left to right on the screen at an increasingly faster pace.
  • The character, background, and obstacles are all heavily inspired by my memories growing up.
  • The character has three actions that he or she can take:
    • Jump (spacebar)
    • Action (A key, repeatable)
    • Special (S key, limited amount)
  • The player can collect power ups used to increase the power of A and S abilities.
  • Completing the world with one character unlocks a new character and new world.  Total worlds and characters TBD based on the artistic requirements of completing one effectively.
I suspect that this will take over a year or two to complete given my limited amount of time per week to dedicate to it.  I will be blogging my notes and progress here as both a way to track progress as well as an added incentive to keep me going when things get tough.

Wish me luck!

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